Police - Drug and Alcohol Resistance Eduation (D.A.R.E.)

Glen Ridge D.A.R.E. ProgramD.A.R.E. is a prevention/education program that teaches skills to resist peer pressure to avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, boosts self-esteem and increases assertiveness skills. D.A.R.E. provides the opportunity for students to interact with D.A.R.E. officers, decreasing anonymity with the police, thereby encouraging a positive relationship between youth and the police department.

Each 6th grade class at Ridgewood Avenue School attends monthly D.A.R.E. classes during school time from January to June. Every student participates in the curriculum. The Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance supplements the Police Department costs for this program, providing funding for curriculum materials, all costs for two D.A.R.E. graduation classes and other materials for D.A.R.E. officers to distribute to students. In 2008, MAC has allocated a $2,500 grant for these costs.
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